The Hole in the Heart of God

by Paul Hooker

Pleased to announce that my new book, The Hole in the Heart of God: Stories of Creation and Redemption, is now available for purchase. The book consists of two parts: Part One is a series of poems and poetic prayers arranged for use as an Easter vigil, but also simply for reading and reflection. Part Two is a series of “ruminations” in prose form on themes and ideas arising from the poetry. In both, I’ve sought to lay alongside each other the mythic retellings of the story of the creation and redemption of the world that play through both Jewish and Christian mysticism.

If you’re interested, the book is available from or directly from the publisher at In either case, type my name in the search line and the book will come up. Cost is $13.00.

I would love to hear from you about your reactions. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

— Paul